Hace unos meses, a raíz de la salida del iPad al mercado, nos preguntábamos sobre cuál es el rol de la investigación de mercados en los procesos de innovación... Nos hacemos eco ahora de un artículo de James Heskett, profesor de la Harvard Business School, donde se cuestiona la política de "no escucha" al cliente de Apple, y abre el debate: ¿Para qué sirve la opinión del consumidor?
Comentarios destacados del debate:
"Pioneering Products should take a different path in PD. These products do require engineering creativity because they are products that customers don't know they want, yet."
"Coke Zero: Customer surveys tend to reveal changing preferences to tailor existing products to target demographics/ diversity of opinion. Hence the need to ask for your demographic groups in survey responses."
"Consumers often know what they want, but often lack the imgination to produce anything beyond what is already being done. Those with imagination struggle in the business world to push against established technology, business structure, and business processes to create something "new" and "different." So, you continually get a "cheaper, faster, better" version of what is already being done."