TOP 20 Twitteros más influyentes en Investigación de Mercado

El Blog de Research Live ha publicado recientemente un listado con el TOP 20 de profesionales de investigación de mercados (a nivel mundial), con fuerte presencia (y mayor influencia) en la popular red social Twitter.

Expertos del sector publican a diario noticias relacionadas con las últimas tendencias en investigación de mercados, aceptando el desafío de conseguir resumirlas en 140 caracteres.

En Netquest llevamos ya casi 4 años twitteando sobre todo lo que pensamos, vemos, oímos y leemos; tanto en las más importantes revistas y blogs de investigación de todo el mundo, como en ferias y congresos (desde México a Shangai, pasando por Madrid y Barcelona).

Somos fanáticos de la investigación online, pero intentamos abarcar todos los "trending topics" que revolotean por el sector de Investigación de Mercados en general.  Y tú... ¿Nos sigues ya en Twitter?

Si quieres estar al día... Follow the leaders!

Twittero Bio Seguir
Leonard Murphy MR innovation junkie, blogger, pundit, speaker, consultant, C-suite executive, dad to 4 and proud uber-geek. Leonard Murphy
Annie Pettit Social Media Market Research | Surveys | Data Quality | Don't touch my dessert | Author of The Listen Lady Annie Pettit
Jeffrey Henning Entrepreneur & blogger. Chief marketing officer of Affinnova. Enterprise Feedback Management pioneer. Market researcher. Proud father of 5. Jeffrey Henning
Tom De Ruyck Head of Research Communities @InSites Consulting, President @BAQMaR and Prof. @IÉSEG & EMS – Tweeting about #mrx #mroc #cocreation – Fan of @mr_communities Tom De Ruyck
RayPoynter Market Researcher, thought leadership consultant, and 2.0 fan, author of The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research Ray Poynter
Tom Ewing Online culture specialist at BrainJuicer; Freakytrigger publisher; pop writer (Pitchfork, Guardian, &c); Dad; nerd; pubgoer. Tom Ewing
Tom H C Anderson Anderson Analytics (OdinText) CEO, Next Gen Market Researcher, Text Analytics Champion Tom H C Anderson
Dana Stanley VP of Marketing at Survey Analytics. Editor of Expert in market research, internet marketing and social media. Maine-iac. #mrx #marketing Dana Stanley
Gregory Piatetsky KDnuggets Editor, data mining / analytics expert, KDD & SIGKDD co-founder, jogger, part-time philosopher, dad Gregory Piatetsky
Ole Andresen Director, Product Management at Confirmit. Tweeting about technology & innovation, research – and other things that interest me. Views expressed are mine alone. Ole Andresen
Jon Puleston Vice President Innovation GMI, specialising in the design & development of interactive surveys & online research innovation Jon Puleston
Seth Grimes Help organizations find business value in enterprise data & online information as a consultant, industry analyst & writer. Organize @SentimentSymp, May 8, NYC Seth Grimes
Kristin Luck Muckraker. Entrepreneur. Decipher Brand Evangelist. Market research trends & tech expert. Founder of Women In Research. Dog mom. Avid outdoorswoman. Vegan. Kristin Luck
Ben Leet Sales Director at uSamp UK – one of the world's fastest growing online panel and technology companies. Ben Leet
Kristof De Wulf CEO @insites, former marketing professor @vlerick. Passionate about making 'ordinary' consumers create extraordinary value for companies. Kristof De Wulf
Betty Adamou CEO & Founder of Research Through Gaming @RTG_Ltd & @PlayingToDrive. Author of The Future of Research Through Gaming Art & design lover. Betty Adamou
Kathryn Korostoff Passionate about making market research useful, fascinated by technology, founder of Research Rockstar Kathryn Korostoff
Carla Gentry Data Scientist, Data_Nerd Founder Analytical-Solution. What can your data do for you? Measure, Segment, Research and Data Analysis – keys for increasing ROI Carla Gentry
Marshall Sponder Social Media & Web Analyst, Blogger, Artist. Speaker, Consultant, and author of Social Media Analytics @smanalyticsbook. Advisory board @peekyou & @Integrasco Marshall Sponder
Elias Veris Sr. R&D consultant InSites Consulting, interested in art, design, the web, #MRX and everything in between. Works on mobile (#mmrx), gamification and #StimaC. Elias Veris

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