Netquest affronta le 37 domande di ESOMAR con l'obiettivo di fornire agli utenti e agli acquirenti di campioni online le informazioni necessarie per prendere decisioni informate e creare partnership di successo. Siamo impegnati a mantenere gli standard più elevati di qualità, integrità e soddisfazione del cliente in tutte le nostre attività di ricerca.

Company Profile

In 2006, Netquest embarked on a journey to create exclusive online panels solely dedicated to research. It didn't take long for these panels to establish themselves as a preferred choice among market researchers in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America. Our reputation as a leading data collection supplier in the region can be attributed to our cutting-edge survey, panel management, and metering technology, as well as our unwavering commitment to continuous profiling and years of expertise in the field. 

What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to maintaining the highest standards of data quality. All our panels are meticulously managed and hosted on our own platform, ensuring complete control and uncompromised reliability. Over the years, we have successfully executed a multitude of online fieldwork projects across several countries, including Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, to name just a few. 

Our vision extends beyond regional boundaries. We strive to expand our digital panels globally, while upholding the same rigorous standards of quality and embracing our unique approach. To achieve this, we employ a multifaceted strategy that incorporates multiple sources of data and employs various quality checks. This approach safeguards against bias and ensures that our samples are truly representative, providing accurate and reliable insights. Moreover, we place great emphasis on nurturing engaged and validated panelists, as they are the cornerstone of consistent and predictable results. 

At Netquest, we are driven by a passion for delivering high-quality data and empowering market researchers with valuable insights. With our advanced technology, unwavering commitment to quality, and a global perspective, we continue to forge ahead, shaping the future of online research. 

Within Netquest, we boast our very own data and technology department dedicated to creating cutting-edge algorithms and automated tools. These technological marvels form the backbone of our sampling business, enabling us to deliver exceptional services to our clients. 

The members of this esteemed department work hand in hand with our operations teams, fostering a seamless collaboration. This close partnership allows the data and technology experts to gain valuable insights into the unique requirements of each project. By understanding these specific needs, they can diligently craft tailored solutions that precisely address the challenges at hand. 

The synergy between the data and technology department and the operations teams ensures that we are always equipped with the right tools and strategies to fulfill our clients' diverse demands. Whether it's devising innovative sampling methodologies or devising automated processes to streamline operations, this collaborative effort enables us to provide optimal solutions on a project-by-project basis. 

At Netquest, we take great pride in our ability to merge data expertise and technological prowess. This union empowers us to offer unparalleled support to our sampling business, consistently delivering efficient and effective solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of our clients. 

Netquest goes beyond providing sample-only projects and offers a comprehensive suite of data collection services to cater to diverse research needs. Our expertise extends to various domains, including scripting for surveys, diaries, and other advanced quantitative research methods. We excel at qualitative recruitment for online communities, enabling in-depth insights and valuable perspectives. 

But our offerings don't stop there. We have delved into the realm of passive data collection, capturing valuable information through digital behavior analysis, geolocation tracking, and audio content recognition. These cutting-edge techniques allow us to gather nuanced data, providing a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and preferences. 

Data enrichment is another key service we provide. We augment existing datasets with additional relevant information, ensuring comprehensive and enriched data sets that drive more insightful analysis and decision-making. 

Furthermore, Netquest extends its expertise into the realm of e-commerce insights. With our flagship products, Netrica and Digital Shopper Monitor, we empower businesses to gain valuable intelligence into the online shopping landscape. These tools provide a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior, trends, and preferences within the e-commerce domain, enabling businesses to make informed strategic decisions. 

At Netquest, we pride ourselves on our diverse range of data collection services, allowing us to be a trusted partner for research endeavors of all types. Our commitment to innovation and excellence enables us to support our clients' goals, providing them with the data-driven insights they need to thrive in an ever-evolving market landscape.

Sample Sources & Recruitment

Netquest relies primarily on our exclusive proprietary panels as the primary source for conducting projects. These panels, meticulously cultivated and nurtured by our team, form the foundation of our data collection capabilities. They enable us to consistently deliver high-quality results and meet project specifications across various countries and demographics. 

However, there are instances where our own panels may not be sufficient to meet the specific requirements of a project. For example, if a study needs to be conducted in a country where we do not have our own panels established, or if the project involves a challenging low incidence rate, we may need to seek assistance from trusted external partners. 

In such cases, we prioritize maintaining transparency and client satisfaction. Before engaging external sources, we proactively consult and seek approval from our clients. We understand the importance of client collaboration and ensure that our clients are involved in the decision-making process, providing them with the opportunity to review and approve the use of external sources when necessary. 

Netquest's commitment to delivering reliable and accurate data remains unwavering, regardless of whether we rely on our proprietary panels or trusted external partners. We uphold the highest standards of quality and ensure that every project is executed with precision, adhering to project specifications and meeting client expectations

Approximately 95% of the sample we offer is derived from our exclusive proprietary panels. These panels serve as our primary source of high-quality data, ensuring consistency and reliability in our research projects. However, there are situations where our own panels may not fully meet the requirements of a project, especially in countries where we do not have panel coverage. 

In such cases, we rely on a network of trusted partners to fulfill the remaining 5% of the sample needed. These partners are carefully selected and vetted to ensure they meet our stringent quality standards. They play a vital role in helping us extend our reach to countries where we do not have our own panels established, enabling us to provide comprehensive and diverse research insights. 

Additionally, there are instances when intercept surveys align closely with the specific requirements of our clients. Intercept surveys are conducted when there is a strong alignment between this particular methodology and the client's objectives, such as when short tactical surveys are needed. However, it is important to note that before conducting intercept surveys, we always inform and seek the consent of our clients. Transparency and client collaboration are at the forefront of our approach, ensuring that our clients are involved in the decision-making process and have a clear understanding of the methodologies being employed. 

At Netquest, we strive to offer a wide range of sampling options while maintaining the utmost quality and integrity in our research endeavors. Whether utilizing our proprietary panels, trusted partners, or intercept surveys, our commitment to delivering accurate and valuable insights remains unwavering. serves as our esteemed online panel, providing survey respondents with an opportunity to complete surveys while supporting charitable causes. In exchange for their valuable input, participants can earn credits that can be redeemed as gift card rewards or donated to participating nonprofit organizations from our approved list. 

We employ various channels to recruit individuals to join Our iOS and Android mobile app plays a pivotal role in attracting users, and we also promote the app through app store listings. Additionally, we leverage Paid Social and email marketing channels to reach potential survey respondents. However, the most significant source of recruitment for us is through Social Networks, where we engage with a wide audience. 

Furthermore, we collaborate with partners who offer a "panel offer wall" and tap into affiliate traffic, albeit the volume from these sources is relatively low. We also operate an internal referral program called "Member gets a member," allowing our existing panelists to refer others to join 

While affiliated networks and referral programs are occasionally considered to reach niche audiences and harder-to-reach targets, it's crucial to note that is a non-probabilistic panel that welcomes participants from all demographics. We do not reject individuals based on specific demographic criteria during the registration process. Instead, our panel comprises individuals who willingly and consciously decide to participate in online surveys through a double opt-in registration process. 

In order to maintain a highly effective and user-friendly panel, we diligently monitor the engagement and participation levels of our panelists. We take great care in utilizing a wide array of recruitment sources and methods to construct a panel of exceptional quality that mitigates any inherent biases. Netquest meticulously evaluates these recruitment sources, considering various metrics and tracking the activity and engagement of different demographic groups. This rigorous approach significantly enhances the data quality delivered by our valued panelists. 

Our recruitment methods are consistent across all geographic markets, although the proportions may vary based on specific market characteristics.

The moment the email input is entered, Netquest's watchful system springs into action. It swiftly detects that the email is already registered, leaving no room for doubt. With a sense of duty, it promptly delivers the news to the eager panelist, kindly informing them that they are already subscribed. However, the validation process is limited to the same panel account, ensuring fairness and accuracy. 

Not content with just stopping there, the system goes the extra mile. It kindly suggests potential errors that could have been made during the email input, such as typing ".con" instead of ".com" or "" instead of "" It aims to assist and guide the panelist, making their experience as smooth as possible. 

But the system's vigilance extends even further. It holds a collection of deceitful domains, carefully compiled in a blacklist. These are known fraudsters, lurking in the shadows, attempting to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting users. The system takes a proactive approach, shielding the panelist from these malevolent forces by blocking any attempts from these fraudulent domains. 

Now, let's delve into the realm of double opt-in. Its purpose is crucial ensuring that the registered email address truly belongs to the panelist, who willingly consents to be part of this exciting journey. By employing this method, the system aims to prevent high unsubscribe rates, fostering a community of engaged participants. Additionally, it safeguards the esteemed reputation of, a trusted domain in the vast digital landscape. 

To complete this verification process, a confirmation email becomes mandatory. It acts as a gateway, solidifying the connection between the panelist and their registered email address. Through this simple yet essential step, the system ensures that the panelist's journey with begins on a secure foundation, fostering trust and long-term engagement., our esteemed online panel, operates through two primary channels: our proprietary mobile app and web/email communications. These channels play a vital role in engaging panelists and providing them with survey opportunities. 

Approximately 40% of our panelists access surveys through our dedicated mobile app, available on both iOS and Android platforms. The app serves as a convenient and user-friendly interface, allowing panelists to conveniently complete surveys and earn credits. 

The remaining 60% of our panelists receive survey invitations and participate through email communications. We leverage email channels to reach a wider audience, ensuring that panelists who prefer this method can actively contribute their insights. 

It's important to note that the distribution of survey access channels may vary by specific projects or demographics. However, on average, the panel is composed of 40% mobile app users and 60% web/email participants. 

Our commitment to providing a diverse range of survey access options ensures that panelists can engage with us through their preferred channels, maximizing participation rates and data quality.

At Netquest, we provide a comprehensive range of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. One of our primary offerings is a Managed service, where we take care of the entire sample delivery process for our clients. This service ensures a seamless experience, where our expert team handles all aspects of sample management, from feasibility assessments to pricing and commissioning sample requests. 

In addition to our Managed service, we also provide a self-serve portal that allows clients to independently check feasibility and pricing for their projects. Through this portal, clients have the flexibility to explore different options and make informed decisions about their sample requirements. 

Moreover, we offer API integrations for specific clients and platforms. This allows for seamless integration between our systems and their existing infrastructure, enabling a streamlined and efficient sample delivery process. We continuously explore new opportunities in this area, remaining open to integrating with other platforms and systems to enhance our service offerings. 

Furthermore, we have developed a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) solution called Agora. Agora empowers clients to commission and run sample-only projects independently. It provides a user-friendly interface and comprehensive tools to facilitate the entire process, from project setup to sample management. 

At Netquest, we understand the importance of providing diverse solutions to cater to our clients' unique requirements. Whether they prefer a Managed service, self-serve portal, API integrations, or our Agora DIY solution, we strive to offer flexible options that empower clients to achieve their research objectives efficiently and effectively.

At Netquest, we occasionally offer intercept surveys to our clients, particularly when they require access to hard-to-reach target audiences. Intercept surveys serve as an additional method to reach specific segments of the population that may be challenging to engage through traditional means. However, it's important to note that intercept surveys are not our primary approach and are used selectively based on client needs. 

When an intercept survey is deemed necessary, we always inform our clients beforehand. Transparency is a key value for us, and we believe in maintaining open communication with our clients throughout the survey process. We ensure that our clients are aware of the intercept survey methodology, its implications, and its potential impact on the research outcomes. 

Furthermore, in some cases, when additional third-party partners are required for sample delivery, we are open to collaborating with them. These partnerships are carefully evaluated to ensure that they align with our high standards of quality and reliability. We work closely with our clients to evaluate the need for third-party partnerships, considering factors such as geographic coverage or target audience representation. 

Our priority is to provide our clients with comprehensive and tailored solutions, and we are committed to working closely with them to meet their specific requirements. Whether it's offering intercept surveys or involving third-party partners, we strive to maintain transparency, provide informed choices, and deliver high-quality data for our clients' research endeavors.

At Netquest, we have a range of specific profiling variables that our panel members have provided, allowing us to identify participants who are willing to participate in various data collection projects beyond traditional surveys. This means that our panel members can be invited to engage in activities such as online diaries, focus groups, in-home usage tests (IHUTs), or in-depth interviews. 

By utilizing our proprietary panels, we have the advantage of potential recontact or recall with our panel members. This means that we can reach out to participants who have previously shown interest in these types of projects, enhancing the likelihood of their participation. Our retention models play a crucial role in facilitating this type of action, allowing us to maintain a strong connection with our panelists over time. 

Furthermore, our profiling information also enables us to identify the devices that our panel members typically use. This valuable insight allows us to tailor our delivery methods based on the compatibility of the project or activity with different device types. Whether it's a mobile app, desktop, or other devices, we can adapt our approach to ensure optimal engagement and participation. 

Additionally, our retention model, coupled with appropriate rewards for panel members, enables us to not only accommodate longer questionnaires but also ensure exceptionally high recall rates. This is particularly relevant in projects where participants may be required to engage at different moments or stages. By providing incentives and maintaining a strong relationship with our panel members, we foster a sense of commitment and encourage ongoing participation. 

Through our extensive profiling capabilities, retention models, and tailored rewards, we strive to create an environment where panel members are willing to participate in various data collection projects. This allows us to offer a diverse range of research opportunities while ensuring high-quality data and excellent recall rates.

Sampling & Project Management

After a client commissions a sampling project with us, we begin by defining the specific population target that the client wishes to survey. To select panelists who will answer the client's survey, we carefully analyze the profiling data collected from our panelists through periodic profiling surveys conducted by Netquest. 

The selection process involves not only matching panelists with the target filters specified by the client but also ensuring that they are distributed according to the quotas set for the target. Quotas help maintain a balanced representation of different segments within the target population. Once a quota associated with a particular population target has been met, panelists belonging to that target are no longer eligible to participate in the survey. 

Once the required panelists are identified and selected, we invite them to participate in the survey via email and mobile app notifications. We strategically schedule and size each invitation based on factors such as response rates and drop-out rates associated with the specific panelists. This careful planning allows us to ensure that the total number of completed survey responses required by the client is achieved within the designated fieldwork period. 

By following this systematic approach, we strive to efficiently and effectively gather data from panelists who meet the client's survey criteria. The combination of targeted selection, invitation management, and adherence to quotas helps us deliver high-quality and reliable results to our clients.

At Netquest, we gather a wealth of information from our panelists, both during the registration process and through their participation in our internal surveys. During the registration stage, we collect essential sociodemographic information from our panelists, which includes details about their age, gender, education level, income, and other relevant factors. This information is crucial for becoming an active panelist within our community. 

To ensure the accuracy and relevance of our panelist data, we update the sociodemographic information every six months. This regular updating process allows us to maintain up-to-date profiles and enables us to better match panelists with specific research projects. 

In addition to sociodemographic details, we also collect information from panelists on various topics to expand their profiling within our system. These topics cover a wide range of areas such as entertainment, travel, cosmetics, banking, and more. By gathering this additional information, we create a more comprehensive profile of our panelists, enabling us to target specific research studies that align with their interests and preferences. 

By continuously collecting and updating this diverse set of information, we ensure that our panelists' profiles are rich and accurately reflect their characteristics and interests. This comprehensive profiling allows us to effectively match panelists with research projects, enhancing the quality and relevance of the data collected. We prioritize maintaining a robust and dynamic panelist community, which in turn contributes to the generation of valuable insights for our clients.

In order to provide the client with an accurate feasibility assessment and offer the best price for their project, it is important that the client informs us of the following: 

  • Deadline: It is important that the client lets us know the deadline by which they need to receive the proposal. This information will allow us to plan our resources accordingly and ensure timely delivery. 
  • Total number of completes required: We kindly request that the client specifies the specific number of completed responses needed for their project. This information is crucial for us to accurately assess feasibility and determine the appropriate sample size to achieve their desired outcomes. 
  • Qualifying criteria: We would greatly appreciate it if the client could provide us with the qualifying criteria for their study. This information is vital for us to accurately assess the feasibility of finding panelists who meet their specific requirements. It enables us to tailor our recruitment process and ensure that we can provide the desired sample composition. 
  • Quota distribution: If there are specific quotas that need to be met within the target population, please provide us with the details. Understanding the distribution requirements allows us to allocate our resources effectively and ensure that each quota is adequately represented in the sample. 
  • Estimated Length of Interview (LOI): It would be helpful to know the estimated length of time required for each interview. This information assists us in assessing panelist engagement and feasibility, ensuring that we can achieve the desired completion rate within the given timeframe. 

Our primary objective is to ensure the feasibility of the client's project. To achieve this, we strive to provide accurate feasibility assessments. We do not offer our full sample delivery upfront, as it allows us flexibility to accommodate any fluctuations in the expected Incidence Rate (IR) during the fieldwork period. This approach ensures that we can still achieve all the required completes, even if the IR differs from initial estimates. 

If the required target remains consistent and there are no changes, we will not review the price. However, in the event of any significant deviations or changes in the target criteria, we may need to review the pricing. Generally, we consider a deviation higher than 20% from the originally specified criteria as a basis for reviewing the price. 

By providing us with the above information, the client enables us to assess feasibility accurately and offer competitive pricing. We value the client's collaboration and look forward to working with them to effectively meet their research objectives.

If there are challenges in completing the fieldwork for a project, we always strive to find suitable solutions. Our approach involves suggesting trusted partners as alternatives and ensuring that the client is informed and involved in the decision-making process. 

Adhering to the guidelines outlined by the ISO standards, the selection of pre-authorized suppliers is based on several key criteria, which include: 

  • Quality: We prioritize suppliers who can provide reliable and high-quality data. We assess the methods they employ in data creation and panel management, considering indicators of anticipated quality, as well as the rate of fraudulent answers. 
  • Delivery: The ability of suppliers to recruit large samples in the requested countries is another crucial factor we consider. This ensures that we can meet the client's sample size requirements effectively. 
  • Price: Price competitiveness is taken into consideration during the evaluation of pre-authorized suppliers. We strive to strike a balance between quality and cost-effectiveness to provide the best value for our clients. 
  • Speed and reliability: The suppliers' capacity to promptly initiate fieldwork and meet project deadlines is an important consideration. We prioritize partners who demonstrate a track record of delivering results efficiently and reliably. 
  • Similarity in panel management: We evaluate the alignment between the supplier's panel creation and management policies and our own. This ensures consistency and compatibility in the way panels are handled and maintained. 

On occasion, Netquest establishes agreements with these approved partners for highly complex projects. The decision to involve these partners is made during the quotation process, always with the client's consent. This collaborative approach allows us to leverage their expertise and resources when necessary, ensuring the successful execution of challenging research endeavors. 

By carefully assessing pre-authorized suppliers based on the criteria and involving the client in decision-making, we uphold our commitment to providing reliable data and maintaining the highest standards of quality throughout the research process.

When inviting our panelists to participate in surveys, we employ a two-pronged approach: sending email invitations and notifications through their mobile app. These channels ensure effective communication and reachability with our panelists. 

However, it's important to note that there may be instances where panelists are unable to access a specific survey they have been invited to. This can occur due to various reasons, such as the closure of their quota or the survey itself. In such cases, we have implemented a routing system to ensure that these panelists are directed to another suitable survey if they meet the population target criteria. 

The routing system is designed to maximize the likelihood of obtaining complete and valuable responses from these participants. It carefully selects an alternative survey in which the panelist can actively participate. This approach ensures that they can contribute their insights while maintaining the integrity of the data collection process. 

It's important to emphasize that the routing system only allows panelists to take part in one survey to avoid overburdening them with excessive survey invitations. By strategically allocating them to an appropriate survey, we strive to optimize their participation experience and enhance the overall quality of the data collected. 

By employing these methods, we aim to engage our panelists effectively, provide them with relevant survey opportunities, and maximize the potential for valuable insights while respecting their time and effort.

Our routing system has been designed to ensure that each participant is only allowed to complete one survey during each participation period. This system takes into consideration the extensive profiling data we have collected from each participant to match them with suitable projects when they click on their invitation. 

The primary objective of our routing system is to ensure that participants are directed to projects that align with their demographics and characteristics. When a participant receives an invitation to a specific survey, the routing system checks if the survey is still open for participation. If, for any reason, the original survey is closed or the participant's quota has been filled, the system automatically redirects the participant to another survey where their quotas are still available. 

By implementing this routing system, we aim to optimize the participant experience by ensuring that they always could participate in a suitable and available project. This approach also helps us maintain the integrity of our data collection process by preventing participants from completing multiple surveys during the same participation period. 

We value the time and effort our participants invest in providing their insights, and our routing system is designed to respect their participation limits while offering them the opportunity to engage in relevant and open projects.

As a standard practice, we typically do not provide detailed survey information to our participants prior to accessing the survey. However, there are specific instances where we do share survey details, such as in the case of recalls or special projects like diaries, online communities, or in-home usage tests (IHUTs). 

Recalls are situations where participants are invited to participate in a follow-up survey or study based on their previous responses or involvement in a specific project. In such cases, we may provide additional information to ensure continuity and facilitate their engagement in the recall study. 

Similarly, for special projects like diaries, communities, or IHUTs, it is important to provide participants with upfront details and instructions to ensure their active participation and accurate completion of the tasks involved. 

For our standard surveys, however, we follow a practice of not disclosing survey information in advance. This approach helps maintain the integrity and quality of responses by ensuring that participants provide their genuine opinions and feedback without any preconceived notions or biases. 

We prioritize transparency and strive to provide participants with a smooth and engaging experience throughout their participation in our studies. Exceptions to our general practice of not sharing survey information upfront are made for specific cases where additional context or instructions are necessary to facilitate the participants' involvement and contribute to the overall success of the project.

As part of our panel management approach, participants do not have the ability to select or choose the surveys in which they can participate. Our system and protocols are designed to ensure a fair and representative distribution of surveys among our panelists. 

The assignment of surveys to participants is based on various factors, including their demographic information, profiling data, and suitability for specific research projects. We employ sophisticated algorithms and routing systems to match participants with surveys that align with their characteristics and meet the specific project requirements. 

By randomizing survey assignments and maintaining control over the distribution process, we aim to minimize any potential biases or self-selection tendencies that could impact the integrity and representativeness of our data. This approach allows us to collect diverse perspectives and insights from a wide range of participants, enhancing the overall quality and reliability of the research outcomes. 

Our focus is on maintaining a balanced and equitable distribution of surveys among our panelists, ensuring that each participant has an equal opportunity to contribute their opinions and experiences across a variety of research studies. This practice helps us gather comprehensive and unbiased data that accurately reflects the target population and supports meaningful analysis and decision-making for our clients.

In our Panel Management Platform, we have the ability to exercise complete flexibility in determining the amount of incentive that panelists can receive based on the specific conditions of the survey. This means that different exit points, each associated with a distinct incentive, can be set to accommodate various factors such as the length of the interview or the responses provided by the participant. 

By tailoring the incentive structure in this way, we can create a dynamic and responsive system that recognizes and rewards panelists based on their level of engagement and effort. For instance, participants who complete longer interviews or provide particularly valuable insights may be eligible for a higher incentive compared to those who have shorter or less involved participation. 

Our Panel Management Platform allows us to define these incentive variations and assign them to different survey routes, ensuring that panelists are appropriately recognized for their time and contribution. This approach not only motivates panelists to actively participate in surveys but also encourages thoughtful and thorough responses, leading to higher data quality and greater participant satisfaction. 

By implementing a flexible incentive system, we can strike a balance between meeting the expectations of our panelists and maintaining the integrity and quality of the research conducted through our platform. It enables us to optimize participant engagement and maximize response rates, ultimately benefiting both our panelists and our clients who rely on accurate and reliable data for their research objectives.

As part of our standard practice, we invite participants who successfully complete a survey (without being screened out or encountering quota limitations) to provide feedback on their overall experience. They are asked to rate their experience on a scale of 1 to 5, allowing us to gauge their satisfaction with the survey process. Additionally, we provide an open-ended question where participants have the option to share any additional comments or feedback they may have. 

This feedback mechanism serves as a valuable tool for us to gather insights into the participant's perspective and assess the quality of their survey experience. It helps us understand their level of engagement, satisfaction, and any potential areas for improvement. By actively seeking feedback from participants, we continuously strive to enhance the overall survey experience and ensure that it meets their expectations. 

Upon request, we can provide information on participant feedback for specific projects based on certain criteria such as survey length and target group. However, it's important to note that we do not offer information categorized by subject matter, and the availability of feedback data may vary for different types of projects. Nevertheless, we are committed to providing relevant and useful insights to our clients whenever possible. 

By collecting participant feedback and offering limited project-specific information, we aim to foster transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in our survey practices. This allows us to better understand and address the needs and preferences of our panelists, ultimately leading to a more engaging and satisfactory research experience for all parties involved.

Upon completion of a project, Netquest adheres to ISO 20252 standards and ensures that clients receive comprehensive information regarding the research process. The following details are consistently provided to clients: 

  • The Invitation and Questionnaire: We furnish clients with the specific invitation and questionnaire that were used during the project. This allows clients to review the content and structure of the survey instrument. 
  • Sample Design: We share details regarding the sample design employed for the project. This includes information on the sampling methodology, target population, and any relevant sampling parameters. 
  • Fieldwork Period: The duration of the fieldwork period is disclosed to clients. This encompasses the timeframe during which data collection took place. 
  • Data Validation Methods and Exclusions: Clients are informed about the techniques utilized for data validation, including any procedures employed to verify the integrity and accuracy of the collected data. We also specify the number of cases that were excluded from the results because of this validation process. 
  • Participation Rate and Calculation Method: The participation rate, along with the specific calculation method used to determine it, is provided. This allows clients to understand the level of engagement and response from the target audience. 
  • Limitations on Project Commissioning: If there were any limitations or restrictions in place regarding the commissioning of the project to define the target audience, this information is disclosed to clients. This ensures transparency and helps clients understand the specific parameters within which the research was conducted. 
  • Subcontracting and Suppliers: If subcontracting was involved in the project or if additional suppliers were engaged, this information is shared with clients. Transparency regarding the parties involved in the research process is maintained. 
  • Confirmation of Compliance with Netquest Policy: We provide clients with assurance that the project was conducted in compliance with Netquest's policies and guidelines, ensuring adherence to ethical standards and industry best practices. 

 By providing clients with this comprehensive information, we aim to foster transparency, trust, and accountability in our research processes. It enables clients to have a complete understanding of the project's execution, methodologies employed, and the validity of the obtained results.

Participation in surveys is strictly limited to one occurrence per individual, regardless of the sample source. While it is possible for the same panelist to be part of two different panels utilized in the same project, our proprietary software, Gatekeeper, effectively prevents any duplicate participation. 

The timing between a panelist completing two consecutive surveys is carefully managed by our panel management team in conjunction with our Panel Management System (PMS). The average time interval typically ranges from 3 to 5 days, varying slightly depending on the specific panel. It is important to note that the maximum time between consecutive surveys does not exceed 15 days. 

By implementing these controls, we ensure that panelists maintain a reasonable time gap between survey engagements, minimizing any potential survey fatigue and maintaining the quality and reliability of their responses. The rigorous management of survey frequency helps us uphold a positive participant experience and facilitates more accurate and unbiased data collection.

At Nicequest, we retain comprehensive data regarding panelists' interactions with our platform. This includes information such as the registration campaign through which they joined, their registration date, a complete record of their participations in various projects, details of gift redemptions, the accumulation and redemption of points, as well as the corresponding transaction dates. It is important to note that any data appended to the participant answers when delivering the datafile strictly adheres to our privacy policy and does not include any personally identifiable information (PII). 

By maintaining this rich dataset, we can analyze panelists' engagement and participation patterns, assess their level of activity, and track their overall involvement with Nicequest. These insights allow us to better understand panelist behavior, improve our services, and ensure a rewarding and seamless experience for our valued participants. 

However, we prioritize data privacy and adhere to strict guidelines to safeguard the confidentiality of our panelists. We implement robust measures to ensure that no PII is included or disclosed in any data files shared with clients. This commitment to privacy underscores our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of data protection and respecting the confidentiality of our panelists' personal information.

At Nicequest, we employ three controls to ensure the authenticity and identity verification of panelists when accessing surveys. These controls are designed to enhance the integrity of the data collected and maintain the quality of our research: 

  • Duplicates control: To prevent duplicate entries, we utilize a fingerprinting system that compares the information of each new access with previous records. This allows us to identify and reject any duplicate responses, ensuring that each panelist provides a unique and distinct set of data for analysis. 
  • Captcha: As an additional layer of security, all panelists are required to pass through a captcha verification process when accessing surveys. This measure helps us distinguish human participants from bots or automated systems, ensuring that the responses collected are from genuine individuals. 
  • Sex/Age control: In order to validate the panelist's demographic information, we include questions regarding their sex and age in all our surveys. These responses are then compared with the information collected during the recruitment process. By verifying the consistency of their answers, we can ensure the accuracy of panelist profiles and maintain data integrity throughout the research. 

These controls work in tandem to authenticate panelists, prevent duplicate participation, and verify essential demographic information. By implementing these measures, we uphold the reliability and credibility of the data collected, enabling us to provide valuable insights to our clients with confidence.

In instances where our projects are conducted within a country where we operate our own panel, the vast majority, exceeding 98% of the sample, is sourced directly from our panel. However, in rare circumstances where it becomes necessary to outsource a portion of the sample, we rely on a single trusted partner. This ensures a balanced distribution of sample sources, particularly when managing projects in different waves or stages. 

When a project requires sample from a country where we do not have our own panel presence, our priority is to identify a reputable partner who can deliver the required number of participant engagements as requested by our client. Only when mandatory, we would consider engaging a second partner. Regardless, we always maintain a distribution strategy to accommodate projects that need to be managed in multiple waves or stages. 

It is important to note that this information is securely stored within our systems. Its purpose extends beyond ensuring consistency between waves or stages; it also serves as a record in case the client requests the storage of such data within their records. By maintaining this information, we can effectively manage sample distribution and provide comprehensive documentation when necessary.

In addition to our rigorous quality controls, we have implemented a comprehensive model for categorizing panelists based on their level of participation. This model assigns values ranging from -2 to 2 to categorize panelists. Upon joining the panel, all new panelists start at level 2. Each time they receive an invitation, they lose one point, while each unique access and participation adds one point to their level. 

Furthermore, we have implemented a secondary control that automatically freezes the accounts of panelists who have not participated in 12 consecutive invitations. In this frozen state, panelists will not receive any further invitations until they reactivate their account. 

This categorization model provides valuable insights into the variations in panelist participation levels, allowing us to anticipate potential drops in panelist engagement. However, we primarily utilize this information as a criterion in the sample selection process, aiming to achieve a more stable response rate that considers the more active and engaged panelists. 

At the beginning of every survey, panelists are required to answer questions regarding their gender and age. These responses are automatically cross-checked against the answers provided during the registration process. If there are inconsistencies between the answers, the panelist is flagged as potentially fraudulent. 

By employing this categorization model and conducting thorough identity checks, we ensure a more reliable and accurate representation of panelist participation. It enables us to maintain a stable and engaged panel, promoting higher response rates and data quality.

In order to maintain high-quality data, we have implemented several standard quality checks in our survey templates. These checks help ensure that participants are engaged, provide accurate responses, and adhere to the survey requirements. The quality checks include: 

  • Trap questions: We incorporate trap questions in our surveys to verify that participants are carefully reading the questions. These questions have only one valid option, and any other selection will result in the participant being screened out. 
  • Minimum survey length: We establish a minimum time threshold for participants to complete the project. If a participant fails to reach this threshold, their participation is not included in the final datafile. This helps ensure that participants are spending an adequate amount of time engaging with the survey. 
  • Age and gender validation: We validate the age and gender information provided by participants against the data we have in our Panel Management Platform. This validation helps confirm that participants are providing consistent demographic details. 
  • Mandatory questions: All questions in our surveys are marked as mandatory. Participants are required to answer all questions, and we ensure that the necessary options are provided for participants to provide accurate responses. 

Additionally, since each project is scripted based on questionnaires designed by our clients, we offer the flexibility to include additional quality checks tailored to the specific project. These can include: 

  • Real-time open-ended checks: We can implement checks to assess the quality of open-ended responses, ensuring that only satisfactory answers are provided by participants. 
  • Logic checks: We incorporate logic checks between different questions to identify any inconsistencies in participant responses. This helps maintain data integrity and accuracy. 
  • Quality checks in grids: We implement checks within grid-style questions to identify any suspicious response patterns. This allows us to detect potential issues or biases in participant responses. 

By incorporating these standard and customizable quality checks, we strive to ensure the integrity and reliability of the data collected through our surveys, ultimately providing our clients with high-quality insights for their research projects.

Policies & Compliance

For detailed information regarding the privacy practices of Nicequest, you can refer to our privacy policy available at the following link: Nicequest Privacy Policy. This link is accessible to the general public, including non-panelists, and provides essential details in compliance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The privacy policy covers the following key concepts: 

  1. Identity and contact details: The policy specifies the identity of the data controller (Netquest) and provides contact information, along with the details of our data protection officer.
  2. Types of personal data and purposes: We outline the types of personal data we collect and the purposes for which the data is processed. Additionally, the legal basis for processing is stated.
  3. Legitimate interest: In cases where the processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, we disclose the specific legitimate interest pursued.
  4. Recipients of personal data: The policy informs us about the recipients or categories of recipients with whom we may share personal data.
  5. Sharing and international transfers: We address any sharing of personal data and the possibility of international transfers, ensuring compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
  6. Rights of data subjects: The privacy policy outlines the different rights that individuals have concerning their personal data, along with instructions on how to exercise those rights.
  7. Storage period: We specify the retention period for personal data and provide details on how long we store the collected information. 

 Additionally, we include a brief statement about the use of cookies and provide a link redirecting users to our Cookie Notice. This ensures that individuals are aware of our cookie practices and can access detailed information if desired. 

By maintaining transparency and addressing these important privacy aspects, we strive to protect the personal data of our panelists and comply with applicable data protection regulations.

We adhere to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which represents one of the most stringent legal standards for data protection. To ensure compliance, we have implemented a range of technical and organizational measures covering the following aspects: 

  • Encryption or pseudonymization of personal data whenever necessary. 
  • Safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of systems and services involved in the processing of personal data. 
  • Timely restoration of data availability and access in the event of physical or technical incidents. 
  • Regular review, assessment, and evaluation of the effectiveness of all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of data processing. 

These measures encompass various controls, such as remote, physical, and logical access controls, user activity monitoring, segregation controls, data carrier and mobile device controls, pseudonymization and anonymization techniques, transfer and dissemination controls, input controls, availability controls, and recoverability measures. 

As part of the GfK group, we benefit from a global presence and have support in different regions, enabling us to provide local guidance in areas such as data protection. Additionally, we utilize the Data Protection Law of the World comparison tool powered by DLA Piper, which proves valuable when navigating the legislation in diverse jurisdictions. 

When processing relies on consent as the legal basis, we ensure compliance with Article 7 of the GDPR. Consent is obtained through an informed, freely given, unambiguous, and specific action by the data subject. We store proof of this consent in our backend, including the date and time of provision. During the joining process of the Nicequest panel, individuals actively accept our Privacy Policy by checking the Accept checkbox, which is never pre-filled. We also implement the double opt-in technique, requiring data subjects to confirm their consent by clicking a confirmation button in an email. Ad-hoc consent may be requested for special surveys or activities, and we provide comprehensive information to ensure informed consent, accompanied by a written declaration from the data subject as an unambiguous action. 

For data breach incidents, we have internal policies that guide the entire process, covering escalation procedures, proper recording, reporting requirements, specified deadlines, investigation protocols, and corrective measures. 

Regarding data retention, we have established clear and defined retention periods, which we transparently communicate to data subjects through our privacy policy. We have also implemented automatic features to facilitate compliance with these periods. 

Generally, we do not transfer personal data outside of our organization. However, if such transfers become necessary (as disclosed in our privacy policy), we ensure that a signed Data Protection Agreement (DPA) is in place with the receiving party, meeting the requirements set out in Article 28 of the GDPR. We also address the jurisdiction where the data will be transferred. In most cases, data flows within the European Union or to countries that have received an Adequacy Decision from the European Commission. If this is not the case, data may only be transferred when the applicable Standard Contractual Clauses are implemented. 

Our data protection officer has been duly appointed and registered with Spain's Data Protection Authority (AEPD). 

All of these measures and policies are accessible throughout our organization, and continuous training is provided to both new and existing employees to ensure their understanding and compliance.

As previously mentioned, consent is obtained when individuals join the panel and, in some cases, before participating in specific activities. It is important to note that providing consent always requires a proactive action from the participant. As outlined in our Privacy Notice, participants have the right to withdraw their consent for future processing by simply contacting us via email and making the request. 

To ensure that participants have access to support and assistance, we have implemented a helpdesk system. This platform offers a range of helpful resources, articles, and guides. Additionally, participants have the option to communicate directly with our Customer Care team through personalized assistance channels. Our Customer Care team is well-trained and instructed to identify situations or requests that may require escalation to the Legal & Compliance team. 

By providing this comprehensive helpdesk support, we aim to address any concerns or inquiries participants may have regarding their data privacy and protection. We strive to ensure that participants feel empowered to exercise their rights and have a reliable avenue for seeking assistance when needed.

To stay updated with the ever-evolving legislative landscape, we actively engage the services of external consultants in the jurisdictions where we operate. These consultants specialize in data protection and privacy regulations and closely monitor any changes or developments in the applicable laws. 

Our external consultants play a vital role in keeping us informed about the latest legal requirements and ensuring that our practices align with the current legislation. They provide expert guidance and advice on compliance matters, helping us navigate the complex regulatory environment. 

By working with these consultants, we can stay proactive in our approach to data protection. We can swiftly adapt our policies and procedures to reflect any new legal obligations or best practices that arise. Their expertise and ongoing support enable us to maintain a robust and up-to-date compliance framework across all jurisdictions in which we operate. 

Through our collaboration with these external consultants, we prioritize compliance with data protection laws and regulations, ensuring that our operations align with the highest standards of privacy and security.

In accordance with the provisions outlined in Article 8 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we strictly adhere to the requirement that individuals under the age of 16 are not permitted to join our panel. This means that we do not collect personal data directly from children who are under the age of 16. 

The GDPR sets forth specific provisions regarding the processing of personal data of children. It states that the processing of personal data of a child is lawful only when the child is at least 16 years old. In order to ensure compliance with this regulation, we have implemented measures to verify the age of participants and panelists during the registration process. 

By enforcing this age restriction, we prioritize the protection of children's personal data and respect their privacy rights. We understand the importance of obtaining informed and explicit consent from individuals who have reached the minimum age requirement as set forth by the GDPR. 

Our commitment to compliance with the GDPR ensures that we uphold the highest standards of data protection and privacy, safeguarding the rights and interests of all individuals involved in our panel.

At Netquest, we prioritize privacy by design in all aspects of our systems, processes, and services. This means that we integrate privacy considerations from the very beginning, ensuring that appropriate technical and organizational measures are implemented to protect personal data. We understand the importance of upholding privacy principles and complying with data protection regulations. 

To achieve privacy by design, we conduct a comprehensive data protection perspective analysis at the inception of each project or process. This analysis aligns with our Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) methodology, which helps us identify and mitigate any potential privacy risks associated with the processing of personal data. 

During the determination of the means for processing and throughout the entire processing lifecycle, we implement the necessary measures to uphold privacy. These measures include but are not limited to: 

  • Data encryption or pseudonymization: We employ encryption techniques or pseudonymization methods whenever necessary to protect personal data. 
  • System security and resilience: We ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of our systems and services involved in personal data processing. This includes implementing robust security measures, access controls, and monitoring mechanisms. 
  • Incident response and data recovery: In the event of a physical or technical incident, we have protocols in place to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner. This ensures minimal disruption and safeguards the data. 
  • Ongoing review and evaluation: We regularly review, assess, and evaluate the effectiveness of our technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data processing. This allows us to adapt and improve our privacy practices as needed. 

By integrating privacy by design principles into our operations, we strive to maintain the highest standards of data protection. This proactive approach helps us protect the privacy and rights of individuals and ensures that privacy considerations are an integral part of our projects and processes from the outset.

We take pride in our commitment to adhering to industry best practices and ethical standards. As part of our dedication to maintaining the highest level of data protection in the market research industry, we have obtained certification under the Code of Conduct of CODIM, the Spanish Code of Conduct for the processing of personal data. 

The CODIM Code of Conduct sets forth guidelines and principles that govern the responsible and ethical handling of personal data in the context of market research activities. By voluntarily adopting and adhering to this Code of Conduct, we demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data we collect and process. 

To obtain certification, we have undergone a rigorous evaluation process to ensure that our policies, procedures, and practices align with the requirements and principles outlined in the CODIM Code of Conduct. This evaluation includes a thorough assessment of our data protection measures, information security protocols, and adherence to relevant legal and regulatory frameworks. 

By obtaining certification under the CODIM Code of Conduct, we affirm our dedication to upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy in our industry. This certification serves as a testament to our commitment to transparency, accountability, and responsible data handling practices. 

As a certified organization, we actively participate in ongoing monitoring and compliance activities to ensure that we continue to meet the stringent requirements set forth by the CODIM Code of Conduct. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to adapt to changing regulatory landscapes and emerging privacy challenges. 

Our certification under the CODIM Code of Conduct provides assurance to our clients and participants that their personal data is handled with the utmost care, in full compliance with legal and ethical standards. It reflects our unwavering commitment to maintaining trust and promoting responsible data practices within the market research industry.

We are proud to announce that Netquest has achieved certification in ISO 20252, the internationally recognized standard for online access panels in market, opinion, and social research. This certification demonstrates our commitment to maintaining the highest quality standards in the industry and providing reliable and accurate data to our clients. 

ISO 20252 is a rigorous standard that sets guidelines for the management and operation of online access panels. It covers various aspects, including panel recruitment, panelist engagement, data collection, quality control, and data management. By obtaining this certification, we have demonstrated our adherence to these industry best practices and our dedication to delivering reliable insights to our clients. 

To achieve ISO 20252 certification, Netquest underwent a comprehensive evaluation process conducted by an independent certification body. This assessment involved a thorough review of our systems, processes, and practices to ensure they meet the stringent requirements outlined in the standard. The certification confirms that we have implemented robust quality management systems and data protection measures to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the data we collect. 

By obtaining ISO 20252 certification, we provide our clients with the assurance that our access panels adhere to internationally recognized standards for data quality and panel management. It demonstrates our commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism, transparency, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our operations. 

As a certified organization, we are dedicated to continuous improvement and ongoing compliance with ISO 20252. We regularly undergo audits and assessments to ensure that our processes and practices remain in line with the standard. This allows us to continually enhance the quality and reliability of our research services and deliver actionable insights to our clients. 

ISO 20252 certification reaffirms our position as a trusted and reputable provider of online access panels in market, opinion, and social research. It showcases our commitment to data quality, participant engagement, and ethical practices, giving our clients confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the data they receive. 

We are proud to have achieved ISO 20252 certification and will continue to uphold these high standards as we strive for excellence in the field of market research.


We can provide number 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Please find attached sample reports in the following document.  

Regarding number 12 we currently can’t measure exactly what is being asked but we can provide the volume of panelists that are discarded for reaching full quota.