Visit us at the Insight Show '16


London - Big ben and houses of parliament, UK

We are very excited to announce that we will be at the Insight Show on stand IN6 on 27 - 28 April at Olympia Central.

Whether you’re a data management expert, the research specialists that create amazing insight or the marketers who commission it, there is something for you at the show.

This year Netquest will be also on stage for a speaking session on April 27 at 12 hrs @ Insight Showcase, presenting Leveraging consumers’ “Social Dimension” to improve marketing ROI, where our speakers, Joaquim Bretcha and Jordi Ferrer, will talk about how consumer influence drives consumer’s brand decisions and how brands can actually use this to their advantage among other significant things.

But that won’t be the only Jordi and surprises around… one more year we bring you, literally, the most romantic tradition from Netquest headquarter hometown: Barcelona (Catalonia). Our beloved St Jordi (St George’s), a day of Roses, Romance and Books, will invade London’s atmosphere. GET READY FOR A BEAUTIFUL TIME!

If you haven't registered for Insight '16 then click here (free registration). If you have then don't forget to visit us at stand IN6.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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